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Nuremberg Chronicle


Busy busy busy, but New Updates!

I know that I have been lacking on the updates of late, but one must be excused from time to time.  Not only have I been very busy creating some new work this summer, but I have also been very busy over the past three months with the local community theatre and their production of The Music Man which I am in. More importantly however, I have been super busy with work at the Quayle.


First, I think I am going to refer to my work as the Spencer-Quayle Museum from here on out.  That is what this place really is, a museum.  Yes, we have a lot of Bibles, which really does make up a vast majority of our collection, but we have some amazing art works in here as well.   


Most people know my work with the King David tapestry that is on exhibition here, doing research on it over the past almost seven months, but also I have discovered that in the collection, we have art work by Jost Amman, Bernard Solomon, William Blake and Gustave Dore amongst others.  The amount of art work that we have in this tiny place by famous artist is seriously mind blowing.  Not only that, but we also have a Nuremberg Chronicle, of course copies of the original Great Bible, Bishop's Bible, first editions of the King James Bible, Tyndale Bible, and so so so much more.  This place really should be considered a museum and not a collection or research center. 


On that note however, I am very happy and excited to say that I am curating the new exhibition for the Spencer-Quayle Museum which will open in September, with all the aboved named works going into this new exhibition.  The Museum will be closed down for the month of August so the new exhibition can go up and be ready for the opening, so if anyone would like to come down and have one last chance to see the current exhibition before it is gone in a month, please feel free to stop by. I would be more than happy to give you a personal tour of the exhibition and answer any questions that may come about. The Museum is open Tuesday to Sunday, from 1-4, and I am here from Tuesday to Saturday from 12:30 to 4:30.


We are located on the Baker Campus in Baldwin City Kansas, the phone number is 785-594-8393. It is free to the public and donations are welcome.