First, I just wanted to share a sketch from last night that I did for an Internet buddy of mine. I like it, but I still feel that I need a lot of work making faxes look more real and less cartoonish. It did take me a little bit of time, but I do have to remind myself that I do not normally sketch, I am mostly found behind the camera or making prints. Practice right?

On the other hand, as it is known that I work at the Quayle Historic Bible Collection, yet no one knows what type of research I do. So, after an amazing day that I had yesterday at work, I am going to let you in on a little bit of the job. Yesterday, I had two real tasks to do. The first one was to locate a bible that my boss and I had looked at a day or two before and compare the illustrations in that book to one that we already had out of storage to verify they were in fact the same woodcuts. Not only did I find the bible and verify the wood cuts, but I also discovered who the the publisher was plus the illustrator of the book.

Some people who have not done this before may not understand how hard it could be to discover this information on a book from the 1500s. Good thing is though, as the Quayle gears up for putting together the next exhibition and not really knowing or understanding what is in our collection, the style of exhibition and what can be put together is very límited. Now, with information like this, the exhibitions can take a whole new form. The next bit that I did yesterday was to stumble across the bible called "Cranmar's Bible" or a Great Bible, actually two in our collection, and then going through our records I see that we have the second book that would be needed for the most breath taking exhibition.

Before I get to that, I will say that it is known thanks to the publicity we received in the October 2011 edition of National Geographic where our first edition from 1611 King James Bible was the cover image, which is actually book three of this exhibition. Back to book two though. Book two, that I kind of remember thumbing through the other day was something called the Bishop's Bible. These three books are gorgeous seperatly, yet together, these three books starting with the Great Bible and ending with the King James, we at the Quayle can now put together the exhibition that showed, starting with King Henry VIII and Great Bible, the Church of England's departure from the Holy Roman Church and a change for the Western World as we know it today.

Untitled Sketch (Vesta Suicide) March 15, 2013

Untitled Sketch (Vesta Suicide) March 15, 2013

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