​It has been a while since my last post, I am aware of that, but there is a reason behind that.  I have been extremely busy.

The Quayle Collection, for anyone who has never heard of it, is the collection of Renaissances books, illustrations and tapestries located on the campus of Baker University ​in Baldwin City Kansas.  I am very happy to be the head researcher here and I would like to invite everyone who reads this article to come down and visit, no matter where in the world you are.

A little about what is in the collection and what I am working on:

  • A leaf from the Gutenberg Bible
  • The Great Bible
  • The Bishops Bible
  • 1611 King James Bible
  • Simon Musaum's Postil for the Lutheran Church from 1574, published by Iohannes Feirabend and Melchior Schwarzenberger and illustrated by Jost Amman
  • A Lyons France bible from 1554/1556 (there are two bibles) both with woodcuts by Bernard Solomon, a.k.a. Petit Bernard.​
  • "The Life of David" Tapestry from 1475

And this is just the beginning.  There are also Tibetan ​scrolls, more books and illustrations that need to be looked at, researched and cataloged. 

​I am always open questions on the collection (which pieces of it have been published world wide since 1935) and once again invite everyone to visit our museum.
